Amelia Wilber

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2020: A Debrief

2019 Hiking in Deutschland

2020 started with a definite bang. Since my return from Germany, I have been working as an Administrative Assistant. It allows me a steady income and the flexibility to continue taking lessons. Come February, I was knee deep in lessons with my new teacher and I was over-joyed to participate in The Orchestra Rocks Series with Erina Yashima and the Philadelphia Orchestra.

At the Kimmel Center in Feb 2020 for The Orchestra Rocks

It was just three short weeks later that everyone’s lives changed.

My county (just outside of Philadelphia) was the first to go into lockdown in PA. This led to (the phrase that everyone has lovingly come to hate) … “the new normal”. When lockdown began, I tried to maintain positivity. But - with so many things being unknown - it was difficult.

Working from home for the first time (and SHARING the working space) in a 1 bedroom apartment, finding the energy to practice and maintaining a work out regimen all began to feel LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. With days stretching into months (although it essentially felt like one, long, never-ending day), I found myself focusing on just trying to be positive and find things that made me feel grounded. Those successes were far and few between…. In the end, I reminded myself that I LOVE to sing and that the ONLY thing I know to be true is that if I stopped singing during this time, I would feel completely lost. It was in early March that I made a deal with myself. No matter how bad I felt, I would have a voice lesson EVERY week.

While March to August was essentially… the LONGEST week of my life…. when September arrived, I finally felt like I was in a place to participate in my own life again.

It was around this time that Audra Jo Casebier contacted me about re-charging our Opera on Tap efforts for Philadelphia’s Opera on Tap chapter. We had been very active up until the beginning of quarantine and were truly itching for the opportunity to perform again. In September we began pulling together the Quarantunes show.

Quarantunes will have a special place in my heart for many reasons. It was the first attempt at the livestream performance that we attempted and it was also the first show that Audra and I produced together. While there were some technical difficulties, this show taught me a lot. It taught me that we were able to create during quarantine. It taught me that so many people are hungry to use their gifts and to give back to others. It also taught me that I’m capable of more than I give myself credit for. I feel lucky to have a Managing Partner (in crime) that is excited to continue creating opportunities for local singers as well as collaborating on truly entertaining content for the OOT audience. I am excited for what we have accomplished already and for where the future will take us.

Treat yourself to OOT Philadelphia’s Oct, Nov and Dec shows!

The Boozening
OOT Philadelphia Gives Thanks
OOT Philadelphia’s “Not Quite New Year’s Show”

Up Next….. The New Year, New Sweatpants Show - Jan 29 at 7pm

The year ended on a strong note with our old apartment having a leak. In a weird way, it was fortuitous…. With the reality of the next few months being that I’ll continue working from home and we’ll be continuing virtual performances… more space was needed.

New apartment, new year. New year, feeling re-invigorated. Feeling re-invigorated, feeling present.

Looking forward to making the most of this upcoming year. Thanks for stopping by!